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prestressing loss中文是什么意思

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  • 预应力损失


  • A simplified spatial method to calculate the prestressing loss caused by batched tension process
  • Experimental study on prestressing loss during stretching period of post - tensioned and unbonded concrete beams reinforced with cfrp bars
  • We designed five walls for simulate both sides of the top floor . proceeded to add unilateral horizontal static loading experiment to 4 pieces of prestressed small - sized concrete hollow block masonry models and 1 piece of normal concrete hollow block masonry model . crack - resistance behaviors were analyzed , and we have proceeded prestressing loss survey for 25 days , and discussed the reasons of prestressing loss
  • Firstly , the domestic researches , which have been reported , are introduced . then the characteristic of the system in estimation of prestressing losses is analyzed by theoretical method , and the reasons that the elimination of tendon is large and test results are not consistent are pointed . using fem software ansys , anchorage zone of pylon are analyzed
    论文首先介绍了国内现阶段对该问题的一些研究成果,然后从理论上分析了小半径大吨位环向预应力体系在计算预应力损失方面的特点和造成张拉伸长量偏大且实测的数据离散性较大的原因,并采用国际权威的有限元分析软件? ? ansys从理论上进行分析和索塔锚固区最不利节段的足尺寸模型试验进行校验。
  • In the last part , we researched the bending strength of post - tensioned and cohesionless cfrp tendon concrete beams . in this part we summarized the performance of bearing , deflection and crack of the beams . at the same time , we introduced the research about the anchorage device and the prestressing loss
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